Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lactation Consultants/ Professionaka How Long Should You Nurse a Baby?

Until they are what age? Thanks! Also, the statistics for health care? How many nursing mothers actually vs formula feed? And how long does the average mother nurse her child? You should want to nurse as long as you and your child this. AAP recommends breastfeeding for at least 1 year, and WHO recommends a minimum of 2 years. World Health Organization recommends at least until 2 years after breastfeeding. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends at least 1 year. 3 out of 4 women start breastfeeding. Here is a link that shows prices for each state. Unfortunately they are quite low. I am not a lactation consultant, but I have now for over nine months health, and plan to wean itself Be My Baby Girl. A great site my lactation consultant gave me was www.kellymom.c com offers much information about BFing AAP, the World Health Organization and UNICEF recommend breastfeeding in the first half of the first year, when most food for the rest of the year and then as a mother and child the impression that the world is wide, the average age for weaning 2 1/2-4. In our area, very few women breastfeed exclusively for three more months and I think the average age for weaning is around 3 months. Most women begin breastfeeding in hospital, but, or say they maintain. I would leave the hospital less than 50% breastfeeding. How long do you * must * feed the baby until you *. For good health, tranquility and the recommendations of a year. Statistics really well after pockets region.even I can help you not know it, but reading this site that gives you good resources on human babies and natural detwean.h http://www. / Parenting html Personally, I nursed my own, so they were more than 3 years old WHO recommends a minimum of 2 years to go as long as mother and child the desire of the AAP recommends at least 1 year to as long as mother and child wish (I've read rumors that match their recommendation). CDC has the same recommendations as AAP, they will turn them corresponds to the WHO. All organizations recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months old. Breastfeeding never cease to be of benefit to both mother and child. The benefits are quantitative (the longer you do, the better). This is the CDC's report card for 2010:


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